You can see a pdf of Acceptance was the answer here http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/bigbook/pdf/theystoppedintime16.pdf
The picture above is a worksheet that I think addresses problem solving from this persecutive. It is based on something I was shown regarding Step 1, 2 and 3.
The reason I mention it, is because it is very useful long after step 1 2 and 3 is over. We all tend to dwell on the problem instead of trying to envisage the solution. For me, this is a useful way to get myself to focus on what I want instead of dwelling on the stuff that's not working. I find it very positive. Plus it forces me to think beyond what I think I can achieve right now, and if I keep thinking of the new picture or the new vision, my mind becomes adjusted to this new vision. Much nicer than thinking about how I get it wrong. :) It gives me hope, and gets me fired up and excited about how I could do it a better way. There is no pressure to get it right immediately because as you can see in the 4th column, I need only ask myself could a power make me into that kind of person. That's all.
Anyway, the picture is big enough to print out and be readable. This is not intended to be an overview of Step 1, 2 and three, instead I just wanted to share something which I found, and still find very useful.
Anyway I hope you are having a !!! lovely Friday :)
Thanks for sharing this. I have used the observance of myself from a distance and told sponsees about this. Will save this!
Thank you.
Hi! I am back blogging. I have missed you all!
I like the focus and the power we are invest in it. Thanks!
Posssssssstttttt :-)
Nice informative blog, thanks for sharing.
Don't know what happened to you IrishFriend...after taking note of a comment to a post at Gospodi Pomiluj (Illusionary Pedestal)...I sent you a message through your yahoo messenger account and it got bounced back.
This very worksheet was also very enlightening though!! Thanks for sharing!!
thanks for dropping by Carrie, and for your thoughts.. yes I keep meaning to write a post! Very bad of me not to.. Its nice of you to comment and I didnt know the yahoo thing didnt work anymore so I've put an email at the top instead friendofbillNOSPAM@fastmail.fm Just take out the nospam and it will work fine :)
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