I'm glad that I can take refuge in something other than 'people places and things' ie "Joy at last to know there's no happiness in the world" (often quoted by Ajahn Chah)..meaning thank god I no longer have to waste valuable time, mental and emotional energy looking for refuge/security/certainty in that which is inherently insecure and therefore uncertain because it is subject to change. what a relief! Its all shifting sand so utterly pointless hanging onto it or expecting it to be permanent when it isn't. Deep joy to know the limits of what people places and things can offer. I can 'kiss the joy as it flies' but thats about it. I don't look for refuge in the shifting sands and that makes my life whole lot easier. Bill nailed it when he spoke of 'faulty dependence' on people places and things. He was really repeating another Bill :) (William Blake) who says
He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise.
Have a lovely weekend :)
Love this post, thanks for sharing it with us.
Zhaozhou often quoted this saying by Sengcan:
The great way is not difficult
if you just don’t pick and choose.
I think that is a good place to be. So much is built on shifting sands in this life.
This post is a great lesson to me, something I will consider as I take a look about my life and choices. Thank you for writing this.
hi, new to the site, thanks.
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