"You can enjoy everything, nothing is too small or large to enjoy.
You should learn to enjoy, in all aspects of your life.
Tell me one thing in the day you look forward to."
Reading Syd's post about the joy that comes from little things reminded me of something someone told me, who has an AMAZING capacity to enjoy life.
I don't know about you, but it really made me think.
The first thing that they said was the bit in the heading.
Then when they suggested actually thinking about what I look forward to in the day, I was really surprised at the answers that came into my head. I suppose they were little overlooked pleasures and moments of beauty that for some reason I just completely took for granted.
I still find it a fascinating way to direct my attention.
Another way of phhrasing it could be
Notice what you enjoy today.
For instance, when I ask myself this question am ! surprised at the answers.
For instance.
Being interested in the political evolution of the European union.
Learning new things.
Burying myself in piles of books in the British library.
Being showered with little pink blossom petals in a sunny afternoon on my way someplace.
Blossom on the trees.
Running with my ipod through crowded city streets.
My cat. Because she is so cute.
Black filter coffee from the Algerian coffee store.
The smell of the beans when I open the airtight container I put them in.
Vidal sassoon hair colour.
The earthy smell of foliage in warm summery evenings.
The great court and the reading room in the British museum.
Feeling mentally alert.
Tea and toast.
Radio 4.
Generosity of time and expertise from other aa's.
Aa's who do their best to encourage, inform and support me when I don't understand something.
Coffee after the meetings.
Being a non-verbal reassuring presence for weepy newcomers in meetings.
Helping newcomers. Feeling useful.
Seeing sponsees start sponsoring others.
Thinking of my mentors, and the people I love and admire.
Peaceful silence.
A Sponsee telling me they have been dancing till 5am.
Cobalt blue.
The moon.
Thinking about sea air.
Looking at a picture of the beach and thinking about what it feels like to be there.
Bright spring quality of light.
The pub with no beer.
Great quotes.
Getting comments on my blog from passing visitors.
Knowing aa's that live locallly to me.
That the centre of London feels like my 'front garden' or ''front porch'.
Well anyway, there are a lot of things on that list that I did not expect to see there. It surprises me what they are.
So anyway, what I'm saying is that it is fascinating journey to notice all the little pleasures that pass our way in the course of a 24 hours.
Its sort of like a gratitude list but different . The focus is not gratitude as such. Just
What do you enjoy?
Name one thing in the day that you look forward to?
And then, working on the principle that " You can enjoy everything, nothing is too small or large to enjoy."
REALLY taking a second look at things and finding how that applies to all the things I do every day. When I do that, its TRUE. I CAN find joy in just about everything. Its WEIRD. Ah well. See for yourself.
Well I find it very interesting.
Right I'm off. Have a GREAT Monday!

About Me

- An Irish Friend of Bill
- I have recovered from the disease of Alcoholism. I believe there is only one person really,.. everybody. And that peace of mind is everything. -So treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself, because your neighbor IS yourself. I think most of recovery is what I would call common sense, but that learning to be ordinary is a true gift very few people acquire. My ambition is to accept everything unflinchingly, with compassion, and therefore be intrinsically comfortable in my own skin, no matter what. I am comfortable being uncomfortable and am willing to go to any lengths to improve my life. I believe the Big Book was divinely inspired, and is extraordinarily powerful. Unfortunately AA's best kept secret a lot of the time. (In my opinion). I just try to do what works, no matter what it is.
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Things that I'm going to enjoy today:
The view out my office window of the harbor
A tugboat pushing a barge that I photographed
Watching the dogs play this morning
Seeing my old girl wag her tail
Calm seas
Reading the daily blogs
Listening to my IPod on the way to work
Having a salad at lunch
Going to a meeting tonight
Getting with staff to plan for a project
Working on my step four inventory
Reading before bed
Having a good dinner after the meeting
Getting into bed and feeling cool sheets
Sleeping until dawn
Thanks for making me think of these things. There will be many more great things today that I probably didn't list. Every day is an adventure.
Thanx for hooking Syd's link up first of all.
And I really enjoyed reading all the things you look forward to in just one day. If we sit bac and reflect, wowsers! There are so many things. Loved your list.
I am excited to practice this, shoudl I write it down in pen and ink. I think for my vvulerable situtation I should.
And happy Monday to you too!
Good work, Syd. :-)
Great Blog! Lots of good info.
I just started a blogging site for people in recovery called www.addictionsupportgroup.com
It's only two weeks old but I hope it will grow into a place where people can share, connect, and help one another by writing journal/blog entries about addiction, life, and sobriety.
I'd really appreciate if you'd check it out and give me feedback on it. Please feel free to email me : admin@addictionsupportgroup.com
oh how cool is this... a good way to focus our energy. I know today started off really crummy for me, then I reflected on gratitude and I felt my attitude change.. focus on the positive the positive increases, focus on the negative the negative increases.
Syd is pretty cool.. :)
thanks for sharing this Irish friend :)
I think it is so imporatant to enjoy everything.. not wait until your get the best job or loose all your weight, or find the right man.. you see what I mean? it has to start now
right now I look forward to working out.: )
have a great night
Super post. I like looking at the world this way. Even in the grips of my addiction, I always saw things as opportunity and possibility rather than hopeless. I think I am lucky that way because I've seen people struggle with depression, and I very grateful I have not had that to deal with on top of my myriad of other problems.
The world is so full of amazing things, I just about never get bored.
I think I'll try keeping a list of all the little things that make me smile tomorrow. Thanks for the great idea.
Wonderful post! I have always thought a gratitude list to be cheesy so its rare that I make them. This soooo fits me! Today I look forward to my kids going off to school/work and then look forward to them comming home again.
I love this post, I also loved Syd'd post that you referred to. I am slowly learning to notice all of the things that bring me joy today. It is a much better way for me to live than paying attention to the things that piss me off !!!
Good luck with the exam tomorrow.
It's forecast rain for central London tomorrow. Don't forget your brolly, dolly!
I don't often think of what I am going to enjoy in a day.
But I alway enjoy the views, of mountains and harbours, of birds zooming around, of blades of grass and busy ants. Of eyes and faces.
Walking is always a pleasure.
Hidden gems in conversation. (but not to much conversation if you please.)
You and Syd are right. It's the small things in life that bring happiness and joy.
Thank you.
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